Listen to Dr. Michael Klaper. Powerful talk on healing your chronic diseases naturally. It did for me!

By Greg Compton

Listen to Dr. Michael Klaper. Powerful talk on healing your chronic diseases. His recommendations took my BP from 136/95 to 102/64 in six months with no meds.

Dr. Klaper’s 20 min TEDx talk goes into what we need to do to prevent and heal chronic diseases.

As a triathlete and Ironman I thought I was fit. I ate a high protein Keto diet as do many athletes. I exercised regularly, did not over eat, was on no meds. I thought I was exceptionally healthy.

Then I had a stroke at the age of 54 a few months after winning my age group and coming in 20th overall in an Ironman race..

My life as an active guy that could swim 2.4 miles, bike a 112 miles, and then run a marathon was over.

And it got worse. I degenerated over the next five years, to the point I could not walk more than a 100 yards without assistance, stairs and curbs were a nightmare. I had to be wheeled around in the airport. I was literally wasting away. Dying a little bit each day.

By accident on New Years Day 2019 my wife and I watched a movie called “Eating You Alive”, on Whole Food Plant Based eating, and decided at that moment to give it a try. They had documented how seemingly normal people with diabetes, high bold pressure, overweight and heart disease had changed their eating habits and gotten well and reversed their illnesses. No magic, no BS, no gimmicks.

We went to the kitchen and threw out all the processed foods, meat, dairy, poultry, and oils.

We googled some recipes for whole food plant based meals, and then we went to the supermarket and bought green leafy salady stuff, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds and we began what I can only describe as a journey resulting in a miracle.

Within three days I was feeling better than I had in years. Within a week I could walk on a treadmill for five minutes with out holding the rails.

A miracle was happening each day. How could this be? How could all the doctors I had been to not recommended this diet? Something so easy to do and so effective. Really what is the medical profession doing?

A year and some months later I can run around a football field three times, a few days ago I started riding a bike again.

My blood pressure has dropped from 136/95 to 102/64, I’ve lost 41 pounds, and I take no medication.

There is no gimmick, trick or BS to buy. My recovery, and I hope you or a loved ones as well, was completely done by eating fruits, veggies, beans, seeds, and grains.

Nothing special. No calorie counting, no diet pills, Just eating as much as I wanted of healthy foods.

Watch this 20 minute Dr. Klaper TEDx talk , maybe it will help you become healthy too.